Residential Water Filtration Systems

Residential Water Filtration Systems
Giving You Clean, Clear Water in Your San Antonio, TX Home

Water is essential for life, so it’s crucial to make sure that the water you drink is clean, clear, and safe for you and your family. Unfortunately, water testing can prove that tap water isn’t consistently good enough. It has far too many contaminants, and the taste is less than ideal. If this is the case for your tap water, it’s time to install a residential water filtration system.

At Texas Water Systems, the main residential water filtration systems we offer are reverse osmosis systems. These filter contaminants from your drinking water, including radium, fluoride, chlorine, salts, metals, and more. Texas Water Systems has 50 GPD reverse osmosis systems to choose from to ensure safe and clean water in your home. Both the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Navy have concluded that water from reverse osmosis systems is safe to consume. In fact, the Navy often uses them to supply water to overseas personnel. 

Ask Texas Water Systems about adding a water purification system to your home that will remove impurities from your water and improve its taste. Use of a water purification system has been proven to improve the health of homeowners and reduce pollution in the nearby environment. Texas Water Systems can set up an essential water purification system in homes throughout San Antonio, TX.

Benefits of Adding a Residential Water Filtration System to Your Home

Whether you're using your water for cooking, bathing, cleaning, or drinking, it's essential to use water testing and a hard water filtration system to ensure your water is safe for you and your family to use. Since there are so many opportunities for contaminants to get into your water, adding a residential water filtration system can offer a variety of benefits:

● Enjoy Safe and Tasty Drinking Water All the Time: Polluted or contaminated water could be unsafe, and the results can be dire. If you're connected to the local water system, your water is being treated, but you can never be too cautious! An effective residential water filtration system is a smart investment that can ensure positive health and well-being for you and your family.

● Save Money on Drinking Water and Cleaning Products: Buying bottled water to drink can quickly get expensive. Water with a high concentration of minerals can lessen the effectiveness of soap, meaning you may have to use more to see results. A residential water filtration system can end up helping you save money on water and cleaning products!

● Reduce Buildup That Can Cause Plumbing Issues: Limescale, minerals, heavy metals, and other chemicals in your water can cause damage to your pipes and your appliances that use water. Some elements, like limescale, will build up and cause blockages and unpleasant-tasting water. Others can cause corrosion and damage to your piping systems! Filtering your water can help reduce the chances of buildup or plumbing issues related to your water conditions.

● Help Preserve the Environment: Plastic poses a great threat to our environment, and doing your part in reducing the amount in landfills does more than you may think! A water filtration system will allow you to greatly reduce how much plastic you use since you won’t need to purchase and consume bottled water regularly.

In addition to filtration, consider adding a residential water softener system to your home! Contact us today to learn more about all the options we have to offer homeowners throughout San Antonio, TX.

residential water filtration
residential water filtration

Water Testing and Water Filtration Systems in San Antonio, TX

Studies have shown that about 50% of private water systems fail at least one drinking water standard. As a result, lead and copper are common in drinking water. Installing a water filtration system can help reduce the amount of harmful chemicals and substances in your tap water. Furthermore, consulting a professional for water testing can provide you with an insight into the current status of the tap water in your home.

Of course, not all substances you might find in water are bad for your health. Many people worry that if a water system filters out minerals, they will not get enough of the recommended daily doses of essential minerals. But the fact is that you should be getting plenty of these minerals through your diet and any vitamins or supplements you take. Furthermore, your body has a difficult time absorbing many of the minerals commonly found in tap water. Therefore, the health benefits are minimal to begin with and there’s no reason to let nutritional fears hold you back from enjoying pure, healthy water.

If you’d like to learn more about water testing and what a water filtration system can do for your home, give Texas Water Systems of San Antonio, TX a call today!

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